And on to Italy…

The last 2 days have been mostly travelling! Ok, so it would have been a lot quicker and easier to fly Athens to Naples, but where is the adventure in that?! So we set off yesterday morning, and have travelled by metro, train, coach, taxi, ferry and bus! 

We spent a couple of hours in Patras before we got the ferry, and had lunch at a cafe there. It seemed like an interesting place, and I’m a little sad we didn’t explore it further since we passed through it both yesterday, and on the way to Delphi. Still, I guess you can’t do everything! 

The ferry crossing was very calm, and was fun because it was overnight! Timmy was very excited about his little fold down bunk! There was a little play area that they had to themselves too. 

 The train across Italy was a breeze after the Greek trains, and the onboard wifi was really helpful. 

We found the guesthouse relatively easily, despite the fact that it’s down a tiny little road. It feels very authentically Italian here! Teenagers on moterbikes everywhere!! 

We met up with our friends, Viv and Benj, who are joining us to explore Pompeii and Rome. It was wonderful  to see them, and Matthew will finally have someone who actually knows the answers to his complicated questions about historical periods I’ve barely heard of!! 

So after our first taste of authentic Italian food, it was off to bed, ready for a full day tomorrow!

One thought on “And on to Italy…

  1. You can let Timmy know that the novelty of sleeping on a little fold down bunk bed on a ship very rapidly wears off…


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