Happy Birthday Matthew.

Today Matthew turned 6! And we celebrated in style, with gelato, pizza and cake! 😊

Before that we had to travel from Pompeii to Rome. This was a little stressful due to the fact that our train from Pompeii to Naples didn’t show up, so we ended up a train later, which didn’t give us much time for the change. But we made it!

We’ve had a lovely relaxed day since then. We wandered round the Santa Maria Maggiore before a picnic lunch in the piazza. 

After finding and settling into our apartments, and doing the important things like grocery shopping and washing, we went for a wander to Piazza Navona.

We spoiled the birthday boy with ice cream and toy mythical creatures!

Then we came home for pizza and chips and cake! What more could a birthday boy want?! 😊

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